Residencial Dall Acqua is a questioning to the rectilinear architecture which predominates in the city of Torres and in the most cities in Brazil. With its modern and unique architecture, the project consists of 21 floors with exclusive residential use and proposes a new concept of housing and quality of life by joining architecture and innovation. The project, which was developed over 4 years, is meant to offer new sensations and experiences, being committed to transform the urban landscape and positively impacting people's lives.

The first major requirement requested by the client, R. Dimer Construtora e Incorporadora, was the intention to develop the architecture. Exceeding the expectations of a real estate release with an efficient and different product from what is offered in the current market, where there is a tendency to offer obvious and conventional solutions, often unrelated to the real local demands. Unit form and functionality in a new concept of housing, where the focus is on people, their needs, expectations and the best way to fulfill them.

The second challenge was to propose an architecture that would respect and value the natural landscape surrounding the site and establish a relationship not only between the building and its dwellers, but also with the building and the city, from the understanding that the place is a dynamic and active element which incorporates features and guides the project, reinforcing the idea that architecture cannot be seen in a restricted way, as an isolated element, but rather as an interaction way, and a balance between everyday functions and needs, and the space they occupy.

Along with these formal and conceptual needs, was the necessity program proposed by the client: high-standard two, three and four bedroom apartments with individual garage spaces and large areas of common use. From this initial need, other ideas and innovative proposals were developed, such as the existence of special garages, a private space with exclusive entrance, bicycles of collective use for the building dwellers, and a club managed by the building condominium.



Development and construction: R Dimer Construtora e Incorporadora
Total Construction Area: 13.116,66m²
Number of apartments: 52

Lithos Arquitetura e Engenharia
Arq. Alexandre Rocha Dias
Arq. Abraão Santana
Arq. Tiago Borba Pavinato
Arq. Monica Inacio
Arq. William Idiart Rodriguez

Dall'acqua by WIlliam Rodriguez in Brazil won the WA Award Cycle 28. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.

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