Toward the Emerald Necklace; Housing as a Visual Mediation

This housing project mediates two different street conditions; one facing the pedestrian street and the other facing the park, the Emerald Necklace. Inserting new housing programs on the given site will provide a great view toward the park for the inhabitants, while allowing visual and physical connections to the park at the public and pedestrian level. The spreading-out aggregation of units towards the park will enhance the view for the residents, while public corridors along the courtyard will enable visual connections for the pedestrians as well as public access to the park.



Use: Multi Family Housing
Site Area: 6,943 m2
Built Area: 3,183 m2
Total Floor Area: 15,915 m2
Structure: Reinforced concrete

Jungmin Nam

Toward the Emerald Necklace; Housing as a Visual Mediation by Jungmin Nam in United States won the WA Award Cycle 11. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.

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